June 3rd, 2011
hey everybody,
marriage is over, lost one tooth and now I have some time for the blog. What can I say about the wedding? It was a stressful week with a lot of planing, organizing, trailing but also smiling, laughing and being happy. So at the end I’m happy that everything is done, think I wasn’t the worse link man/best man for the day AND I wasn’t the photographer! Nevertheless, I took some pictures – until now I can only show some without there faces – after their honeymoon I’ll ask for permission to show some more:

year – what else happened? I lost one of my tooth. My dentist wasn’t really happy with one of my wisdom tooth so we decided to pull it out. Today – 2 days afterwards I’m feeling – lets say ok but I can’t really suggest this treatment. Like every time, my teeth are a little bit stronger which causes a lot of trouble. But now it’s done and there is one source of trouble less for my world trip.
Oh – my stomach request some food – so see you guys – maybe in real life if melissa is coming to germany…
May 17th, 2011
ach… still not tiered but I was reading another dump article on “”mirror”.de” ;). What’s wrong with our world. Press is writing total bull shit and everybody with an IQ lower than room temperature in °C not °F 😉 come out of there caves to demonstrate against something they do not even understand. Had some funny discussions the last weeks about nuclear power, green energy and electro cars. I can bear if sales assistant of my bakery don’t get the facts but how can our canceler Angy Merkel tell everybody 10% can drive with electro cars within 5 years. I expected much more from somebody with a diploma in physics. So my fact for these topics are:
- If the people 50years ago would know about the catastrophic events in Tchernobyl and Fukushima and decided to burn more coal instead of building nuclear power plants I think our weather would be much more annoying like it is already today. Let’s calculate the dead – even if this is more than sick – Nuclear Power Plants: let’s be noble 50.000 dead people vs 200.000 only caused by Zyklon Nargis…
- Photovoltaic isn’t a green energy. So plz smart press don’t tell anybody they should buy this shit to save our planet. Production of this stuff costs more energy than they can produce before they die. => burning money is even more green!
- 8.000.000 Electro Cars only in germany within the next 5 years… Sounds great but how can we save the energy… hmm let me think about this… a Li batteries like in the cars I see in the commercials – oh there isn’t enough Li on earth for this and maybe somebody else than germany want to have some too 😉 and NO there is no way to produce Li artificial. Okey maybe we can use H in a fuel cell. Some problems with the containment and the fuel cells die very fast but could be an option – little problem H is not growing on trees so you have to produce it which costs you… right energy. So I can take coal burn it, produce H which I can carry around in very heavy tanks and have always some fear of explosions and burn this H in my car or I drive with petrol which produce over all less CO2. => so if everybody would use fuel cells our press could tell us normal engine are much more green!
So let me end with a I’m against nuclear power button!

And a Link for our smart reporters: http://www.darwinawards.com/
“Charles Darwin commemorates those who assist natural selection by removing themselves from the gene pool…Darwin Awards are given to honor those who do their best to ensure that the next generation is smarter–by one. These heroes sacrifice their very lives to give our children a better future…” (Darwin Awards Site)
May 16th, 2011
hey everybody,
another evening which seems not good enough to sleep early. So I’ll try to use the time to post something. Unfortunately, not every day is a big big highlight – think nobody is interested that I decorated today my new office with some pictures from africa and japan but I hope some people are interested how to make a skyscraper picture of some flowers ;). Hope some of you saw the one below and now some more with some explanation:
This is the result if you just take your camera put it on the ground, autofocus on, aperture to 18-22 and shot. Think it’s easy to see that the foreground is too dark and even the sky seems a little bit dead. Reason is also simple – you can see the sun so the leafs I’m shooting are on the shadow site => Solution: bring more light so the leafs.
You can see there is much more light at the flowers but what happened to the sky – its even darker. I used a flash with manual control – I thought the sun is very very bright so I tried to shoot with full power flash. This leads to shorter shutter speed which was enough for the flowers and the sun but to less for the sky => too dark sky. But this shows as well that weather isn’t that important if you have enough light power with you. With a even brighter flash this picture would look like night => Flash light gives you much more control about the picture!
This one is with less than 1/4 of the Flash power. Looks much more natural – a perfect natural look isn’t possible because our brain recognize that’s not possible to see the sun and have this bright flowers in front of you even if you do not think about such stuff.
Another thing I want to say is about “wrong” exposure. There is no wrong exposure!!! Our eye and our brain trick us every day concerning exposure and colors so how can something be wrong we can’t judge.
- First one looks to dark but is more natural => looks more like a snap shot
- Second one look artificial => picture have something interesting – you have to think about the picture which isn’t that reasonable with this motive but with another one this could be a very cool effect.
- Third one is a good mixture => could be a good beginning for a stock picture. The stock I uploaded is finally the one I posted some days before because stock picture has to be a little bit extreme to catch the customers eye in very short time.
Hope you learned something and the post will make you want to take some pictures with flash light on your own.
May 12th, 2011
Hey everybody,
last weekend we had a special celebration here in Hamburg – the Hamburg Harbor birthday. I guess not everybody knows that Hamburg was part of a very powerful union called the Hanse (Hanseatic League) from 13th to 17th century. This alliance was based on sea trading so the harbor was and is the most important economic sector here. Reason enough to celebrate this 822year old institution.
To perform my duties as an inhabitant of this Hanseatic town by choice I tried my very best to party as much as expected ;). To be honest it ‘s not possible to escape this festival if you are living 50m away from the main docking point of the harbor… As one of the highlights there is a ballet show performed by all tug boats as you can see on the picture.
The ships demonstrate their power and agility in a very playful way. As a special service the first rows of the spectators get refreshments for free when these ships cruise by with only 1-2m distance ;).
Another highlight was the fireworks for sure. Due to the fact that most of the people want to see this event we were a little bit worried about too crowded viewing spots. Luckily, a college called me to meet me on one of the big russian sailing boats. Cost me 3€ but the crew let only very view people on board which gave us the opportunity to see the fireworks in the very first row without anybody near by. My best investment in Hamburg so far ;).
I hope you all enjoy life as well and Melissa I’m waiting for a meeting date :). Next adventure will be wedding of my two best friends and I’m the best man :O. So cross fingers for good weather, a very good party and that I’m not stultify them – making a fool of myself isn’t possible with my great charm, my awesome look, my outstanding intellect… and my modesty 🙂
May 5th, 2011
Hey world,
visited last weekend one of the biggest parks here in Hamburg called Planten un Blomen. Name is not typical German it’s plattdütsch (low german) which is more or less similar to Swiss German either a very strong accent of even a proper language spoken here in north germany. OK OK German history lesson is over. Some words about me ;). Life is quite busy/complicated/amazing/annoying/gorgeous… at the moment => can’t complain but there is potential for better times *g*… Yes I’m never completely satisfied for longer times – life is boring if everything is perfect.
Thinking of times I’m completely happy – THX for everybody attending my birthday party… It was a perfect evening even if I drop some bricks but who can be angry with the birthday boy ;). One situation I remember especially:
Friend of mine: Everything all right?
ME: When did you see me smile like this?
Friend of mine: When you came back from Africa!
And like in Africa it’s not only the area, the nice view or the parties, it’s the people making me smile every day. It was amazing that at least 90% party with me until AM 3:00 and 80% until the end some ähh hours later…
To give this a little bit back one more photo. The point of view isn’t that common and it’s made with a very wide angle lense causing this skyscraper effect. In fact I was lying in the middle of this flower bed, some Indian family next to me making a family picture, in one hand holding my cam in the other my flash with a wireless trigger, making a complete fool of myself but I hope it wasn’t for nothing…
So maybe I can get some pictures showing this situation and maybe somebody make one picture during my birthday party??? Also a big birthday party for the Hamburg harbor is in front of my door at the WE. So another reason for a long party night here in St.Pauli!
CU all here in Hamburg 😉 and I hope I can sleep know a little bit longer than 2 hours.

April 25th, 2011
Hey everybody,
take me some time but finally here are a small extract from my London pictures. Hope to visit the country again soon. BIG THX again to Jade, Laura and Alfi for showing me around – hope to see you guys next time here in Hamburg (Caro + Chris you too).
As usual, I hope to post a little bit more in future maybe with some more impressions from Hamburg…
April 6th, 2011
Hey everybody,
first of all – sorry for the long breaks between my posts. I was a little bit busy at work and in private life ;). So last weekend I was visiting the Hagenbeck Aquarium in Hamburg and found some friend from Madagascar. I think we could be a perfect chill-out couple…

London pictures are ready – hope I will upload them soon…
February 26th, 2011
little HDR Picture from London…
Hope you enjoy it…
February 26th, 2011
first impression from London right out of the camera => B&W Pictures without any other corrections (colour ;), turn around, sharpening, anti noise…). So plz be peasant for the real once but this will take me some time.
February 20th, 2011
Hey everbody,
I arrived in London – had to find my way on my own because Chris stole Lauras car key… But I finally made it and London is such a great place. I totaly love it – like everytime. So have to go and see more…
CU Soon