December 26th, 2011
Uff, this was fast – 2011 is already over – but what happened this year?
- Somebody new came into my life – so I have to introduce her to all of you 😉 (may take some time)
- There were some small trips to mention: first of all London to meet with my African Family. It was awesome to meet you guys again and I hope we will meet also in 2012. A long weekend in the Harz and some days with Verena in Stuttgart do not really count but Barcelona should be mentioned. We had a very cool week with sun, food, culture and BEACH :). THX to Verena for organizing everything. Hope 2012 will be better concerning traveling.
- My two best friends married and I was the best man of Tobi :).
- World Trip is still in planing but as against last year I plan for 2 people.
- Japan was hidden by a tsunami and Fukushima became similar famous like Tchernobyl. I’m very happy that all my friends from Japan are safe and I wish the county the very best for the future. I have to come back same day, there are to much days I’m missing this place.
- Job changed from PMO to PM and will change again in one week to PM + PL. I think there will be some other changes in 2012 too.
- I bought a mountain bike and started after some years again with badminton. Nevertheless, I have to do more sports in 2012… (New Year’s resolution)
As a conclusion I have to say that 2011 was very different compared with 2010 but most of the problems turn into good. So what should I complain – life is good 🙂
CU in 2012…
December 25th, 2011
Finally a couple of my Barcelona pictures… Hope you get some impressions from this very nice city:
December 24th, 2011
Hey Everybody,
after my FUCKING navigation system drove/drive me crazy there were same good news in my Mailbox. I won the first time a photograph contest :). Topic was HDRÂ Photography – for all NOT nerds: High Dynamic Range Photography – and for all the people who thing now “what the fuck???”: many pictures in different exposure setting combined to one picture… If there are people who have still no Idea of what I’m talking from – just have a look =>
The “Chip” computer Magazin will present the best pictures in the weeks – hope I will get a Link or so… Price was a 64GB High speed Memory Card so I will be able to film with Full HD in the future. Okay I don’t like to film but it would be possible ;).
Hope all of you are okay and you are just were you want to be at X-Mas. I’ll try to post at least my 2011 summary and my barcelona pictures in the next days – if not please hit me…
So have to nice X-Mas and the happy new year wishes are in the next post 😉
December 5th, 2011
Hey guys,
It was so quite and peaceful in my bed, and than the captain of the Queen Mary II decided to honk his FUCKING horn 3 FUCKING times!!! So I’m full of adrenalin and can use the extra Time to write a little bit on the Blog. Yes I know that the pictures from Barcelona still not uploaded – to be honest they are not even chosen… New job is very cool but a also a lot of work. I would like to say that this will become better but with the beginning of 2012 I will lead my first very own project. I’m a lithe bit nervous about this position but this was my goal even if I reached it much faster than I thought. Chances are there for being taken, and if everything gets a little bit too much there is still someone to cover my bag.
So ship left the harbor and I hope I will find back to sleep…
CU and GN8
November 8th, 2011
First 2 pictures from Barcelona…
I have to End this very small post with a very cool quote:
“Everyone I know is getting married or pregnant, I’m just getting awesome!”
October 28th, 2011
to be fast, I describe my last week:
- MO – First day in my new job and I had to organize my first trip
- DI – Get up in the middle of the night, flight to Toulouse, meeting marathon, beer garden
- MI – meeting marathon, flight back to Hamburg over Frankfurt
- DO – my first holidays with Verena, flight to Barcelona over Zürich
- FR – ahhhhhhhhhh no stress
So now we are back from Barcelona (one week) and I’m also back from Toulouse (two days) ;). I hope I can post at least some pictures within one week. so CU
October 6th, 2011
“Steve Jobs told us what we needed before we knew” (
I will miss your happenings with quotes like “and it’s even thinner…” and “there is one more thing”
September 12th, 2011
Hey everybody,
It seems that stress times never end this year. Nevertheless, I take the chance to keep you a little bit updated. It’s now official… I will change my job within the next (2) weeks… hopefully. It will be still for the same company for the same Airbus department but with a little bit more responsibility (money and people). So in general good new but the whole contract fights are a pain in the ass. Cross your fingers that everything is done soon.
For keeping calm I’m pursuing more and more my new hobby – mountain biking. Last WE I had my first maintain experience. Results:
- Big smile on my face
- I realized that my bike resists more than my nerves, I swear I would have applied the break if there would was the time…
- My skin gets funny colors after some falls
- Next time I disclaim on my click shoes
- It’s not free-climbing but kicks even more…
So hope you all have less stress times…
It’s not neccessary to make any comments on my super sexy outfit. I already know that I look like a model for sports ilustrated… Only problem for a taxi drive in Namibia – where to put my HANDY???
780 days left…
July 18th, 2011
Hey guys,
the report of my death was an exaggeration… but I have to confess that I make myself a little bit scarce. Reasons are easy to find:
Year, some things are going on in my Job concerning my contract, tasks, surrounding… I cannot go into detail but the whole situation was a pain in the ass – similar to Chris (I will visit you at October MAN). At the moment, there is another quiet face where nobody gets new information and to be honest – I don’t give a shit anymore. => now I’m more relaxed and enjoy airplanes 😉
Good way to start a weekend is still going to the Reeperbahn and have some fun with friend/colleges. The core Taskforce team consists of 4 guys including myself but gets enlarged by other colleges/friend/girlfriends from time to time. So after almost one year in Hamburg :-0 (what I’m one year here, I have to pack my stuff ;)) – I’m still happy here in north Germany even if I have to adept myself every day anew. Some things which attracted my attention:
- I’m not running anymore if it is raining…
- I thought last week – where is the wind?…
- I’m pretty  sure that I’ll buy a mountain bike… So climbing gets replaced by bicycling but still with mountain 😉
- I’m getting used to navy terms like “steuerbord, backbord…”
On the other hand, some things/behavior  are still the same:
- I’m still greeting people with “servus”!!! (south german expression for hello and goodbye in one word)
- I’m still loving my south german food and hate this fucking sea food.
- I’m still FC Bayern München Fan/Member even if a little part of my heart beats for St. Pauli but only a very little one.
- I’m keeping a little bit of my southern dialect… Kaddong, Bürrooo, heb mal,…
But I also remember the amazing times in Africa and get a little bit sentimental when I got this Savanna Cider last week in a bar. I know that I got my first of these in Malawi  – the same day I lost my glasses in the sea… Caro ordered me a cider (never heard of this before) and 4 cider later Caro, the danish girls, Graeme and I ended up in one hammock *g*. Next day this sweet little girl tried to grab my thumb – failed and take my pinky :). Same girl gave me my bracelet which I wear since this day… Ahhh I still miss Africa…
Last but not least I had some bad news within my family – my grandpa diet at an incredible age of 90 years. He was always one of my role models in life… The funeral was very cool – I think he was pleased. I’m very sure that I’ll miss him but I hope I can absorb as much characteristics of him as possible. In the timeframe we experienced together, he gets more and more interested in natural science, he and his wife started to discover the world, he gave me always guidance in difficult situations and he supported always my lifestyle (t-shirt instead of suite ;), ending my school whatever the cost, moving to japan “not because it is easy but because it is hard”, even my trip to africa…). So thank you for everything I’m trying to make you proud as usual…