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  • December 12th, 2010

    End-of-Year Review

    I’m watching an End-of-Year Review on TV, causing a flood of memories in my mind. Thomas Gottschalk asked the question if it was the best, a normal or even the worst year of everybody’s life. So to answer the question you have to think about the year 2010. What happened in my life?

    • Caro and I finally made it – Dipl. Ing. AER
    • Of cause my Africa trip with hundreds of unforgettable memories and what I never expected a couple of new friends. Love you all!
    • My two best friends decided to marry each other and I’ll be the best man of Tobi! I’m very very happy about this, even if I was a little bit shocked in the first moment.
    • I decided to do a round-the-world trip – it will be biggest project after my studies…
    • Found a job (hmm job found me). What nobody beliefed – my first job is in the management department and I have to wear a suit from time to time.
    • Caro found also a job – in the space business. I think I was more glad in this moment than in the moment I got my acceptance.
    • A lot of parties in the last weeks, lot of funny moments, some stress at work… But overall life is good!

    So as a conclusion I have to say that 2010 was at least one of the best years I ever had but I’m looking forward for 2011! I heard that there will be a big marriage, a trip to London, maybe a trip into the Alps, lot of work on Airbus and I’m very sure there will be much more.

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