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  • October 17th, 2010

    Golden Section

    Do you know the feeling that something is not right but you don’t know exactly what it is? I had this feeling concerning one of my best African pictures. Now after hours of work I’m finally happy with the result. The solution was too obvious that I’m not hit on that earlier. With a consequent implementation of the golden section and symmetry the image looks much better (in my opinion). The two hours in PS painting a continuation of the sky was mere child’s play ;). So plz let me know how you think about the new one (left = old, right = new):


    2 Comments to “Golden Section”

    1. October 21st, 2010

      t0di Says :

      I have to say, I like the new one better. Still, personally I would crop it a little bit different. If I understand it correct, you added the sky, so that the tree is exactly in the centre: in this version 200px between the root and the bottom edge and 200px between the upper most branch and the top edge.
      However, the tree looks more loosely on the top, than on the buttom, due to the massive tree trunk and the slim branches. Therefore I got the feeling now, that the tree is to low.
      That’s why I woul cut the new sky a little bit. In this version somthing between 25 and 30px. This is approximately half the distance between the 1st and the 2nd branch.
      What do you think?

    2. October 22nd, 2010

      Anonymous Says :

      thx tobi for you tip. I’ll try it and post the new version.

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