December 26th, 2011
Bye bye 2011, hello 2012…
Uff, this was fast – 2011 is already over – but what happened this year?
- Somebody new came into my life – so I have to introduce her to all of you 😉 (may take some time)
- There were some small trips to mention: first of all London to meet with my African Family. It was awesome to meet you guys again and I hope we will meet also in 2012. A long weekend in the Harz and some days with Verena in Stuttgart do not really count but Barcelona should be mentioned. We had a very cool week with sun, food, culture and BEACH :). THX to Verena for organizing everything. Hope 2012 will be better concerning traveling.
- My two best friends married and I was the best man of Tobi :).
- World Trip is still in planing but as against last year I plan for 2 people.
- Japan was hidden by a tsunami and Fukushima became similar famous like Tchernobyl. I’m very happy that all my friends from Japan are safe and I wish the county the very best for the future. I have to come back same day, there are to much days I’m missing this place.
- Job changed from PMO to PM and will change again in one week to PM + PL. I think there will be some other changes in 2012 too.
- I bought a mountain bike and started after some years again with badminton. Nevertheless, I have to do more sports in 2012… (New Year’s resolution)
As a conclusion I have to say that 2011 was very different compared with 2010 but most of the problems turn into good. So what should I complain – life is good 🙂
CU in 2012…