December 5th, 2011
World gets more and more stressy
Hey guys,
It was so quite and peaceful in my bed, and than the captain of the Queen Mary II decided to honk his FUCKING horn 3 FUCKING times!!! So I’m full of adrenalin and can use the extra Time to write a little bit on the Blog. Yes I know that the pictures from Barcelona still not uploaded – to be honest they are not even chosen… New job is very cool but a also a lot of work. I would like to say that this will become better but with the beginning of 2012 I will lead my first very own project. I’m a lithe bit nervous about this position but this was my goal even if I reached it much faster than I thought. Chances are there for being taken, and if everything gets a little bit too much there is still someone to cover my bag.
So ship left the harbor and I hope I will find back to sleep…
CU and GN8