September 12th, 2011
Everything new but still me…
Hey everybody,
It seems that stress times never end this year. Nevertheless, I take the chance to keep you a little bit updated. It’s now official… I will change my job within the next (2) weeks… hopefully. It will be still for the same company for the same Airbus department but with a little bit more responsibility (money and people). So in general good new but the whole contract fights are a pain in the ass. Cross your fingers that everything is done soon.
For keeping calm I’m pursuing more and more my new hobby – mountain biking. Last WE I had my first maintain experience. Results:
- Big smile on my face
- I realized that my bike resists more than my nerves, I swear I would have applied the break if there would was the time…
- My skin gets funny colors after some falls
- Next time I disclaim on my click shoes
- It’s not free-climbing but kicks even more…
So hope you all have less stress times…
It’s not neccessary to make any comments on my super sexy outfit. I already know that I look like a model for sports ilustrated… Only problem for a taxi drive in Namibia – where to put my HANDY???
780 days left…
September 13th, 2011
Sven Taubert Says :
50m hoch 50m runter – aber das sehr steil
September 13th, 2011
Sven Taubert Says :
there are some people (e.g. HwhK) who don’t participate in mountain biking or even in Reeperbahn clubbing… So shut up Hartmut and take your Babycar…
September 14th, 2011
Sven Taubert Says :
ach Hartmut, ich bin doch schon sehr glücklich vergeben… da isses mir sowas von Schnuppe was andere in Clubs von mir denken. Aber es geht da um einem gemütlichen Abend mit Kollegen und Freunden.
December 1st, 2011
Alexander aka Sascha Says :
Glad to see you on the bike, Sven. And looking forward to give you and your new horse some hard time in swabian hills 😉