July 18th, 2011
Lost in the Hanseatic Triangle
Hey guys,
the report of my death was an exaggeration… but I have to confess that I make myself a little bit scarce. Reasons are easy to find:
WORK:Year, some things are going on in my Job concerning my contract, tasks, surrounding… I cannot go into detail but the whole situation was a pain in the ass – similar to Chris (I will visit you at October MAN). At the moment, there is another quiet face where nobody gets new information and to be honest – I don’t give a shit anymore. => now I’m more relaxed and enjoy airplanes 😉
Good way to start a weekend is still going to the Reeperbahn and have some fun with friend/colleges. The core Taskforce team consists of 4 guys including myself but gets enlarged by other colleges/friend/girlfriends from time to time. So after almost one year in Hamburg :-0 (what I’m one year here, I have to pack my stuff ;)) – I’m still happy here in north Germany even if I have to adept myself every day anew. Some things which attracted my attention:
- I’m not running anymore if it is raining…
- I thought last week – where is the wind?…
- I’m pretty sure that I’ll buy a mountain bike… So climbing gets replaced by bicycling but still with mountain 😉
- I’m getting used to navy terms like “steuerbord, backbord…”
On the other hand, some things/behavior are still the same:
- I’m still greeting people with “servus”!!! (south german expression for hello and goodbye in one word)
- I’m still loving my south german food and hate this fucking sea food.
- I’m still FC Bayern München Fan/Member even if a little part of my heart beats for St. Pauli but only a very little one.
- I’m keeping a little bit of my southern dialect… Kaddong, Bürrooo, heb mal,…