October 2nd, 2010
Back to rain…
Hey, I’m back to Hamburg again and get finally some sleep. As I mentioned before the night before leaving was very short (3h) and the night in Toulouse was only 30min longer *g*. Teambuilding was a great experience – I got to know almost all of my colleges, tried to speak some French and had a lot of fun. Of course, there was also some work to do – e.g. small groups had to make a presentation about e.g. schedule management (in my case). Doing this was a lot of fun but similar to school, university… nobody wanted to present the stuff in front of all colleges and even worse on the next morning in front of the colleges AND some high level Airbus people. In the End I had to do it… even though I was probably the last in bed and the first out.
The big party in the evening started with bowling and a lot of finger food. I think it takes me at least 2 hours to be full (only food no alcohol). Afterword I tried to convince my colleges to go to a night club but with only a little success. The entire French girls pass with the excuse they would be too old. I don’t get it how girls in an age of 25-30 could be too old for a party but well I found 2 French boys, one Austrian girl and half Kazakhs and ME. We started with a visit in a small pub and pushed along to find a night club – but as I always say – Toulouse is a village… No nightclub was open… and after the half Kazakhs wake up in the car and started puking (YES HE STARTED INTO THE CAR) this part of the evening was over. My Austrian college and I ended with 2 small bottles of wine in the hotel after getting the really drunk college to his room.
Next day arriving on Airbus the story about our college – sick as a dog – was dispread all over. The poor guy looked as somebody near to death and to top it all off he had to run every n.s. 15min to the toilet. This was fast-paced to a real running gag amount all of us *g*. So epically on Fr. we all had a lot to laugh… Sometimes it was really hard to not pie myself…
The day ended with a flight back to Hamburg over Amsterdam (of course Business *g*) where I get the best food of the whole 2 days…
October 8th, 2010
Graeme Says :
“Sometimes it was really hard to not pie myself…” – Nicht im zelt pie!
October 8th, 2010
Dr_Flash Says :
Nicht ins Zelt pissen! Nice to know that you are still alive.